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Why Lavender

Every good business book or plan encourages you to find your “why”. Why lavender, one might ask.

Well, my answer is….just because!

…Just because I believe lavender to be rare in these parts and that it is best experienced with all your senses. And to experience it, it must be accessible. 

…Just because our world needs more beauty, more peace, more calm, more joy, more healing and less noise, less clamor, less stress, less rush.

…Just because I find joy in seeing this little plot of land reach its greatest potential.

…Just because I was seeking the kind of challenge that stretches and pulls and teaches and brings you into circles of amazing people you would have never met otherwise.

…Just because I once prayed, “God, is there something more? Something else?” and He answered and He led.


As crazy as this venture is for someone who has never planted anything more than a porch planter, I felt led to it. Doors kept opening. I kept walking through them. I did know, just because. 


Turning a vision into a reality 

I am Christine and with my husband Jon, we formed the inspiration, the plan and the implementation of a new venture...a new ADventure …into the world of lavender.


Our backgrounds are completely unrelated ~ me a speech-language pathologist and Jon a businessman owning, and running his own company. But we absolutely love our getaway property located about 2 hours from our home in Nashville. We have always believed this place to be a blessing and have taken steps to share that blessing with those in our community surrounding WoodHaven (the name we selected to reflect a
“haven”—a restful escape).


This idea of a lavender garden and sharing more of the blessings of this property came about during a transition season of sending our daughter off to college and like so many,
being home for extended time due to Covid. So we saw it through, researching and getting friends to help out, and are anxiously awaiting our first “crop” in the Spring of 2023. I cannot wait to meet you and share this journey!

-Christine Adkins , Founder

Our Core Values

As Christians, we believe everything we have is a gift from a good God who wishes to bless and share His enjoyment for and with us.  We hold in high esteem the values of truthfulness, excellence, hard work, kindness and respect for others, the merit of time spent together enjoying simple things like conversation, sunsets, a sleeping dog on a sunny porch, birds chirping and a luna moth on a screen door (and sometimes, on a good day, all of those in the same day).

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